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Shifting. Rising. Soaring. Believing.

The design for the second half of your life continues to evolve in 2019 and here’s my own truth: there’s no movement without bravery. This is more than knowing what to do. Being your own brave is about the journey to take to unlock your potential, and to voice your truth by sharing your story.

You must recognize and connect with your heart intellect, a high vibration energy that is motivating and comes with a positive outlook.

To spark your heart intellect, and go from disheartened to engaged and thriving in your life’s work in 2019, check out my 5 tips below and let me know which speak to you!

  • Let go of what’s not serving you …and instead, expand your capacity for bravery, resilience and love. These are energy-generators that will move you to make a shift. The movement comes from your belief in your own self-worth. So, you may need to let go and reframe what you have let go of in a positive way.

  • Self-reflect and recognize new priorities in your life’s work, your health, and your relationships. Craft a meaningful action plan, your MAP, not a revised template of yesterday that is based on "shoulds". Kick it up a notch energetically with an inspired action that moves your heart!

  • Re-new your own vision for your life’s work. Resist the temptation to compare yourself or turn yourself into someone else’s version of “success” to vision your life. Self-reflection and self-compassion help you tune in, and pay attention to what emerges in the moment, without alot of striving and pushing… to honor your own journey, exactly where you are and go forward towards joy and fulfillment.

  • Release the constricted energy of perfection. This energy is not high enough to overcome your inner critic and spark your heart intellect. Find the courage to move forward and honor your brave, wise, loving self.

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